

  In this space you could find the recordings elaborated by each one of the group members that elaborate this blog based on the opinion about the following statement: "Particularly (Spanish-English bilingualism) has been privileged. This is seen as providing access to a highly `visible`, socially-accepted form of bilingualism, leading to the possibility of employment in the global market-place. In contrast, bilingualism in minority Amerindian or Creole languages has been generally undervalued and associated with an `invisible` form of bilingualism related to underdevelopment, poverty and backwardness."  And about this question: "The question we can ask, how far bilingual education programs for majority language speakers in Colombia today are actively helping towards the creation of a more understanding, a more tolerant society and not only providing a way to better jobs and a higher standard of living for their graduates?" Opinion by Carolina Cano Echeverri: Opinion


Being bilingual and being bicultural are concepts that are closely related to the identity of individuals who have these characteristics respectively, since both types can master two or more languages ​​and have greater knowledge as well as access better opportunities such as better jobs and better academic education. In this sense, we could elaborate the following conclusions: 1. Language speakers are participating very actively in the formation of a more understanding and tolerant society and provide us with better access to improve people's lives since all sociocultural and socio-economic environments are introduced, including with the effort to acquire the language. This type of language is becoming more useful every day because it is a basic and fundamental tool for interacting with other cultures and societies ready to make this valuable contribution. 2. It is important to bear in mind that bilingual education programs are positioned every day in a very important sector, this


The previous information about these concepts are very important, but in this sense, what are the main differences between being a Bilingual and being a Bicultural person? There are also some important aspects that differ a bicultural person from a bilingual person in the following video in which Deborah Sercombe, the principal at the Amigos School in Cambridge, MA reflects on what it means to be bicultural and what it means to be bilingual:   Deborah Sercombe, the principal at the Amigos School in Cambridge, MA reflects on what it means to be bicultural.


Proficiency in the English language is a highly demanded characteristic in the search for professional employees, which has led to an exponential increase in the number of schools and institutes teaching English and most private schools offer bilingual education and even what it has been called "bicultural".  This is only a superficial definition of Bicultural which differs from the concept of Bilingual, the concept Bicultural is referred to the coexistence or the union of two cultures that belongs to the same person. The idea of culture, meanwhile, refers to the set of knowledge, traditions and habits of a certain community, nation or country. An example of Biculturalism are the kind of students which have two cultures that are part of them, this happens when a Japanese woman got married to a Spanish man, and they have a child, that child will learn about both cultures and languages. In this context, we can affirm that a Bilingual person can be also a Bicultural person for t


 A bilingual person is defined as a person that is able to use of two or more languages (or dialects) in everyday life. This definition accounts for many more speakers of languages than one based on fluency alone – especially if balanced fluency in the two languages is required – and hence is more realistic. A clear example of a Bilingual person is someone that can speak Spanish and English with almost the same fluency, most of these bilingual kinds of people use this second language as a tool to communicate in an assertive way in a professional, academic or commercial context in order to get a good result, some of them have to learn that second language to survive which is the clear example of the immigrants, and the other kind of bilingual people are that people that have the enough economic resources to study it and the want to learn that second language for taste or as a way to pass their spare time.     In the case of the Bilingual schools, those  offer a complete training that w


 The following blog was created with the main aim of make the distinctions between the definition of Bilingual and the definition of Bicultural, the readers could find the most important concepts, characteristics and relevant aspects about these terms and the implications that those have in the Bilingual educational processes.


 The terms Bilingualism, bilingual and bicultural are concepts that have been defined by many authors and educators during the XXI Century and those have different definitions depending on the context, situation and aspect that a person is talking about. These concepts include implications like the sociocultural and socio-economic environment and context in which a person learned or acquire a language and the usage that each person does to language as a way or tool to communicate with other people and to interact and create every kind of human relationship.