Being bilingual and being bicultural are concepts that are closely related to the identity of individuals who have these characteristics respectively, since both types can master two or more languages ​​and have greater knowledge as well as access better opportunities such as better jobs and better academic education. In this sense, we could elaborate the following conclusions:

1. Language speakers are participating very actively in the formation of a more understanding and tolerant society and provide us with better access to improve people's lives since all sociocultural and socio-economic environments are introduced, including with the effort to acquire the language. This type of language is becoming more useful every day because it is a basic and fundamental tool for interacting with other cultures and societies ready to make this valuable contribution.

2. It is important to bear in mind that bilingual education programs are positioned every day in a very important sector, this because every day globalization is more efficient and significant, because bilingualism is the way out to understand situations from the option of products until the end of them with the technological contributions especially communicative.

3. Although bilingual education is very important, but to know if a person is tolerant and understanding, it is necessary to take into account the large cultural group and even more so in people who are bicultural.

4. It is extremely important at this time to take a more serious and proactive look at the current reality of bilingualism in Colombia, from educational standards to the very conception that teachers, directors, parents and students have about it, since bilingualism in our The country is mostly biased towards English [it is only in a more grammatical than cultural way, which is not acceptable in the context of bilingualism in order to promote intercultural and social knowledge. For this reason, it is also necessary to stop always looking outside and begin to observe the same culture of our country in the dialects that ancestral cultures have and sadly have been lost in a chain of linguistic-cultural uprooting.


  1. It is very interesting how bilingualism is closely linked with the idea of multicultural-contextual integration, mediated by an understanding between speakers and recipients, that by means of the linguistic codes of their culture, including kinesthetics, they can make themselves understood and understood by students. others, their culture and way of life of the people.

  2. It is extremely important at this time to take a more serious and proactive look at the current reality of bilingualism in Colombia, from educational standards to the very conception that teachers, directors, parents and students have about it, since bilingualism in our The country is mostly biased towards English [it is only in a more grammatical than cultural way, which is not acceptable in the context of bilingualism in order to promote intercultural and social knowledge. For this reason, it is also necessary to stop always looking outside and begin to observe the same culture of our country in the dialects that ancestral cultures have and sadly have been lost in a chain of linguistic-cultural uprooting.


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